Change is inevitable in the life of those expanding their growth and this can present many challenges for people that aren’t used to embracing growth or pain.
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Often we hear of the process being described as fire. When growth happens in our lives, much like the butterfly taking shape, we can find the process to be painful at times. Sometimes it can even feel like these fires have taken us to a new level of personal purgatory but there’s a reason for these flames.
Have you learned to embrace the flames of growth or have you attempted to snuff them out? Were you successful? Are you finding it easier to step through the fires? Are you stuck?
Embrace it
During intense times of inner growth, we might find ourselves pushing through breakthrough after breakthrough and hardly finding the time for respite. However it is within this thinking that we have no time where we find the flaw of time being a measure of the fullness of life. We must make the time to create a respite from the flames of growth so we no longer fear their essence. It’s essential during these growth periods that we have time to process all we’ve come to learn (so we can eventually grow the seed we’ve patiently and methodically cultivate internally).
Don’t be afraid of the flames of change, they always deliver the truth once they’ve burned through the lies.
Changing patterns and embracing the flow of everything around us takes dedication and a lot of patience, but ultimately feels freeing once that new state has become self-actualized. The flames that burn through us can also give us the strength to get to this place of self-actualization. This is the fuel needed to help us reprogram our bad habits, behaviours, heal our wounds, and address so much more.
Breaking a pattern
Evolution, no matter what level, can be multifaceted. It requires many angles and new ways of doing things that we may not have ever tried. We will shed our skin and find new versions of ourselves waiting to burst forth from the ashes of these flames. Pain is also a teacher.
The flames are there for a reason—to burn up everything you once knew as reality and put you on the path of true expansion and conscious growth.
Even the simple idea of expansion is unknown or frightening to some people. This kind of growth can seem downright scary at times and can produce many states of being which either slow our progress or cause a blowback internally. It’s never to be forgotten that once you step through the flames of initiation into real growthit will be quite hard to go back to how you once were, and that’s quite fine! Without these flames, we would never learn about ourselves on the deepest levels of possibility and potentially stagnate and settle into a duller version of our true selves.
This is the beauty of facing the fire of our souls: We face our fears. It teaches us the lessons that we might have missed due to our own unconscious lifestyles—no matter how large or small the flames of growth are we all will eventually face them.
There is a lesson in the pain and struggle.
Don’t fear the flames, embrace them.
Inspirational music like this helps me realize my true power for my own growth
Jeremy Montanez