Join Natali and Sophia in this week’s podcast as we dream of another time…the time before tech-nol-ogy. Eek! What was it like living in a 90s world? How did people text? Or binge watch? How…did they find dispensaries at all??? These burning questions and more answered this week. If you like tangents, plus thoughtful ramblings, the coveted title of ‘Munchie of The Week’ (MoTW) and of course, a lot of laughs, then listen here.
Listen here for the latest Stoned N’ Social episode!
Show Sophia’s podcast Queer Yet Smiling some love!

Send us your questions, comments, memes, and munchie recommendations via Instagram or old school email us at
We support the use of cannabis for mental expansion and inner growth, also as way to broach a variety of topics and only condone its usage in a legal capacity according to your local governing laws.
Every Wednesday @ 12:00 am ET via iTunes