What is a chakra? A chakra (pronounced “cha”-“kra” with a resounding “ch”) is thought of as a center of energy — our own personal internal energy.
If you were anything like me when I first heard about chakras I was like, ‘…a chak-what?’
Wanna rest your eyes? Listen to this via the MySoulrenity + Beyond podcast!
The concept didn’t make sense to me until I realized how they were being talked about. It was in tandem to meditation practices and emotional healing by way of physical representations. The great news is everyone can work with chakras, not just those well versed in it!
Sacred belief
‘Chakra‘ originates from sacred, ancient Indian Sanskrit language, literally means “wheel”. This is an easy thing to visualize if you think of its function as a vortex of spinning energy interacting with various physiological and neurological systems in the body. There are thought to be seven chakras in our bodies that start at the top of our head and they end at the bottom of our spines.
These energy centers within each us are said to help regulate our immune system and defenses, our day to day emotional state and even organ functions. Each of the seven chakra has its own vibrational frequency that is associated with a color, function, and has its own unique symptoms when it is weakened or strengthened. Therefore, even a basic understanding of the seven chakras can enhance your life in some surprising ways.
With the popularity of meditation and alternative healing in the West, the term chakra has become pretty mainstream. Even though there are many many chakras all over the body, healing, manifestations, improving wellness, and laws of attractions will focus mainly on the seven major chakras. Here we will show you how to optimize your major chakras to help them function at their highest potential.

Crown Chakra (7th) – Sahasrara
This chakra is directly tied to our cosmic consciousness. This is where our mind and ideas formulate to lead us to enlightenment in our lives. Spirituality, our sense of wonder, and self expression comes from the crown chakra.
Location – The very top of the head
Color – Violet
Emotional – Self esteem, connectedness, and purpose
Physical – Pineal gland, brain, nervous system
When this chakra is blocked we feel disconnected from everyone and everything, including the Universe and all it has to offer. We become fearful, depressed, and lonely.
Third-Eye Chakra (6th) – Ajna
This chakra is heavily weighted to our inner knowing and intuition and psychic senses. With this as our own ability to focus we can see the bigger picture. It’s our sense of self, purpose, and direction.
Location – Forehead between eyes
Color – Indigo
Emotional – Imagination, wisdom, decision making, intuition
Physical – Pituitary gland, eyes, sinuses
When this chakra is stuck, it can lead to indecision, lack of creativity, low imagination, and not trusting your own personal intuition and gut feelings. This can cause headaches or lead to eye problems.
Throat Chakra (5th) – Vishuddha
This chakra governs our ability to communicate to anyone about anything in all aspects of our lives. Through this we can find a sense of healing when our communication is clear and open.
Location – Throat
Color – Blue
Emotional – Self-expression of feelings, authenticity, communication
Physical – Respiratory system, teeth, vocal cords, thyroid
When this chakra is blocked, emotions can lead to a complete lack of self expression and speaking our truth. It can also affect our attention span, staying focused and even slow our metabolism.
Heart Chakra (4th) – Anahata
This chakra represents self-love and steers our relationships. This is where our self confidence and ability to give and receive love comes from. Here is where inner peace can radiate outward from.
Location – Center of your chest, just above heart
Color – Green
Emotional – Joy, peacefulness, love
Physical – Heart, lower lungs, circulatory system, immune system
The heart chakra when blocked shows up as resentment and regret. We can feel frustrated, hopeless, ineffectual. It will manifest as a lack of self love, instability, self pity and even guilt.
Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd) – Manipura
This chakra holds our ability to be confident and in control of our own lives. When it is in flow, we can feel creative pleasure and abundance. This is also where our social identity and willpower lies.
Location – Just above the belly button
Color – Yellow
Emotional – Self confidence, self worth, self esteem
Physical – Pancreas, liver, digestive tract, central nervous system
As a chakra that is often clogged by controlling relationships and low self image, it can make us feel isolated. It can also cause negative thinking, anger, and overtalking.
Sacral Chakra (2nd) – Swadhisthana
This chakra is our true connection and ability to really accept others and have new experiences. Our empathy, emotions, and sexuality are wrapped up here. This is our expression of ourselves to the outside world.
Location – Just below the belly button
Color – Orange
Emotional – Well-being, sense of abundance, pleasure, sexuality
Physical – Kidneys, bowels, reproductive organs, immune system
A blockage of this chakra can cause insecurities, depression, and disconnection among your interpersonal relationships. This can come from pent up emotions or any type of trauma or abuse. We may see self rejection, jealousy, blame, or a low sex drive as a result.
Root Chakra (1st) – Muladhara
This is our base chakra that represents our very foundation and how we feel grounded in our surroundings. Our sense of security determines our ability to feel safe financially and within our environments and where we belong.
Location – Base of spine
Color – Red
Emotional – Survival issues such as money, food, and financial independence
Physical – Legs, arms, circulatory system, spine
Root chakras get backed up in lots of adults for many reasons. Greed and violence are often seen as a result and self-centeredness takes place. If you’ve ever felt anxiety, this is most likely where it manifests from.
When we understand the chakra system we can understand how everything is connected. This self awareness will unlock the consciousness of our mind, body, and spirit as one. In turn, this will help us find the purest path to personal healing and harmonizing. It will affect each part of ourselves and our lives. In a future article we will go more in depth in the chakras. There we will show you how to balance your own chakra system for a healthy, energetic, sustainable foundation.
[…] of Reiki stimulates and strengthens the flow of energy in your body. It clears and balances your chakras; releases energetic blockages; and allows your body to do what it does best: heal […]