Dream big.
We’ve all probably heard those two words at some point in our life. But what does it really mean? And why now? Well, dreaming big means having the restraints that often shackle your mental fortitude and freedom removed. It’s about sitting and reflecting on what you really want out of life and dispelling all the reasons why you can’t have it. For me, this has meant having exceptionally high standards for my life and for myself. And I feel like now is the perfect time for you to do the same.
Dreaming is fun
There’s no two ways about it, dreaming big is exciting and a good way to reach within to find unconventional purpose. When we are excited about something, it becomes our focus. When we focus on something, especially a goal, we have a greater chance of accomplishing it. This doesn’t only apply to the professional aspects of our lives but personal ones as well. Even though dreaming big is fun, that doesn’t mean you should take it any less serious.
There’s a reason we tell students and children to dream big, it’s a subtle nudge toward successful thinking. Have you ever taken a vacation you had been planning for quite some time? One where you worked very hard to earn and save money needed for expenses? I bet while you were booking the necessary transportation and accommodations, a wave of excitement hit you. And when you finally started packing for said trip, another wave hit you, and another when you started your journey there. I would even go as far as to say, you were swimming in waves of excitement until you arrived.
Anticipation of pleasure is a pleasure in itself.
Sylvia Townsend Warner
The desire (anticipation) is our ability to imagine something as if it is already happening. We feel as if we are experiencing it just a little, when in fact, nothing tangible is happening. Yet everything is happening in the background when we put the wheels of dreaming in motion.
Thoughts become things…sort of
If you dare to dream in life, you are what is a considered a dreamer. Dreamers are a unique type of people. We envision things so deeply that we almost believe it’s there. What we think, we become. Throughout history it has been shown that when notable things happens, the person who was behind it attest to dreaming “big” or deeply about it. The dream always precedes the reality.
I believe the feelings we use to give substance to the thoughts in our mind either comes from fear or love. Thoughts that are given substance with love will become things we experience as worthwhile and enjoyable. This for me, is how I apply the Law of Attraction to my own day-to-day life. I won’t say I’ve gotten everything I’ve dreamed of but I’ve certainly felt fulfilled in living the life I have always wanted.
When you want to go to the gym for exercise, think about the process that happens within you before you actually make it to the gym. You usually experience an internal dialogue with yourself. It bounces between why you should go to the gym and on the other end envisioning the benefits of going to the gym.
This all happens in your minds eye, making you more likely to take that dream and make it a reality. This is an example of dreaming on a small scale, think about what could happen if you really dreamed big? Thoughts become things, but things need action.
Overcome limiting concepts
As I’ve stated, dreams nudge you to make moves beyond your current reality. By identifying a dream and putting it in your mental forefront you challenge your old beliefs and thus start creating new ones. Former impediments in the road now look like speed bumps. When we are pushing forward and chasing our dreams we can forgive our past failures and give new hope to ourselves.
When we are actively pursuing a dream, there’s a level of self awareness that is needed to be honest with ourselves. We begin to notice bad habits, patterns, and old ways of thinking that have held us back. It’s here we can take notice of the things we think, say, and do because our dreams are now deeply important to us. Our basic daily lives now chart a mental overall trajectory in life.
Dreaming big will open doors big and small. There’s a reason you picked this dream, perhaps it is your true calling. Even still, maybe you don’t know what your true calling is yet, and you won’t get that answer without dreaming big first. It’s up to you to do things differently that have prevented it from becoming a reality before this moment. Big dreams give you the opportunity to truly leave your mark on the world in some way.
Achievements unlocked
Little by little, your small achievements on the way to dreaming big will start to add up. When we first start dreaming big, things can feel overwhelming and impossible. The question, “How am I going to do this?” swirls around in our mind a lot.
However, no big dream ever gets from A to Z without a series of other steps along the way. It’s these small victories and achievements one after the other that add up over time. Eventually, those achievements start to become motivation to keep going. This is what I call ‘success momentum’. When we observe successful individuals carefully, we notice that they are usually full of energy and driven by momentum, which is a key factor to their success. Momentum is a undeniably powerful force that can really put you ahead and lead you to your big dream. It creates a domino effect and things seem to happen almost effortlessly and with quick growth.
If you want to thrive, you need to create the success momentum and once you do, you will start to see changes in your life. Thoughts become things, things need action, action creates momentum, and momentum creates results. Work consistently and put the odds in your favor.
We are in a (hopefully) once in a lifetime situation. If you’re like me, all goals unrelated to this pandemic and keeping myself and my family afloat seems pointless and distracting. But really, this is the best time to dream big. Dreaming in this way, right now, actually allows us to remove some pressure on ourselves.
Now is when you have the time to sit with your thoughts and dig deep into what may be missing from your life and how you’d get there from here. For many living in a pandemic itself feels like a dream. Let your mind go one step further and immerse yourself into dreaming about other situations. We will eventually emerge from this together, do not succumb to fear. Instead, shift your focus to work toward a goal, learn a new skill or hobby, or pick up something you used to enjoy.
We all know that big dreams don’t come easy, but they won’t come at all if you don’t try.